© Chris Sam

As my birthday drags closer, my mind’s eye begins to wander around things I should have done, the one’s I was able to do and achieved, and the one’s I still hope to achieve.
You see in this part of the world, although we’ve felt a bit of civilization, many of my age mates and sadly more of the younger generation, still do not understand the meaning of creating impact or being relevant in this world. When people of this age categories, see my efforts and tireless attempts of creating a mark in the sand of time, As wasted efforts and lack of what to do.
The idea of success down here is get a paid job or die trying. Therefore, as long as you’re not in civil service or working for one company or so, you’re simply lost and jobless.
Although God have been faithful, I’d wished I have known the things I know today, for I would have started this journey when I was in my teens.
Choosing to be phenomenal, is the best choice one can make. Getting to understand your niche and how you can become a major force in your industry becomes the next amazing goal one should set.
The world is constantly changing, and thoughts leaders and social media influencers, are gradually taking over the market space. celebrity endorsement will soon become a thing of the past. As we are gradually being ushered into an era of sustainable development through constant acquisition of knowledge.
Like I said earlier, my thoughts are centred on what I should have achieved, and what I hoped to achieve.
Spending time on research and development, I have painstakingly set a goal of giving my generation a gift, that will prepare whoever that’s comes across it the basic knowledge on how to access this new era in style.
Writing and arranging “The Ultimate Influencer” is a result of passion and my hunger to impact my generation towards efficiency and sustainable growth.

My advice to you, is to be prepared and be ready for the shift which is coming without warning. It’s either you stay relevant or you remain a number in a world which constant change goes beyond just being a number.

In my journey of being relevant, I have created a stronger formidable means of impacting and coaching people towards success. Hence the birth of Afriprenure and it’s blog site which is designed to guide, educate and empower entrepreneurs towards sustainable growth and development.

So, you are free to visit this two platforms for basic and proven principles, that can guide you towards business success and growth.


© Chris Sam

How can one stay relevant in a world where development, technology, efficiency and innovation is at increase?
Many times we all believe hard work is the answer. Sure, we’d need to put in some energy and effort. But whether that translates to success has a lot more to do with how we’re perceived than how we’re doing in our current role. If one want to rise to the next level, he/she may need a rebranding, reinvention, or repackaging.

“Rebranding just means changing others perception of you,”

Below are five amazing things I have applied into my life as I reinvent or rebrand myself.

Create a picture of who you want to become;

Understand the role you wish to be address for, and do your homework. Of course, you’ll also want to pay close attention to the skills required for such roles you’re eying, and upgrade yourself.

Act and dress like it; You need those around and above you to see you in the role you want, not just the role you’re in. So focus on getting noticed. And at this point you most definitely need a role model and a mentor. Find a role model within the higher levels of what you’re dreaming to become, who can not only be a mentor, but can challenge your daily quest and goals, by inspiring you through his or her own successes.

Improved on your skills and develop new amazing ones; to understand which skills you’ll need to improve on or which you’ll need to acquire for your new role, write down all of the activities you’ve participated in – whether you were paid for them or not. Where have you volunteered? What events have you been involved in? Which leadership position have you assume? “All of these activities required skills that may be relevant,”  Once you have an exhaustive list, write out the skills you used to make yourself successful in each of the activities. Play up those that can be used in the role you’re seeking and write down how the skills you’ve gained outside of work will help you succeed in the role you’re aiming for. Repeat same procedure by listing out the skills in your role model, and select the once that makes him or her exceptional, compare both list, where do you need to improve and what skill do you need to update?

Prove to yourself and the society of your Relevant ;

“Anyone can re-invent his or her personal brand, but to be effective it has to be believable in the marketplace or your environment,” . It has to be based in reality.” Start by reading industry reports or trade publications in the area you want to move into. Participate in industry-related conferences, panels, and workshops. Then volunteer for projects outside your core job function that draw on your new skills.

Remember “If you don’t brand yourself, others will. And I can assure you that they won’t likely brand you in the way that you want to be branded.”

You’ll need people to understand how your skills are transferable. It might seem self-evident, but you often need to be explicit. “You need to establish new ‘perceptual links’ that connect your brand to an area where’s there’s growth and opportunity,”

Reach Out; 
Networking with people who hold positions in the area you want to move into is critical to your success. You’ll build up expertise and credibility by working side-by-side with professionals who are in your desired role. Listen and learn. Look at the job descriptions for this roles and the skills that are prioritized. If you don’t have enough, or recent, experience in those areas, take a class.

In conclusion always understand that People who have successfully branded themselves are also known for something specific. While it is true that consistency helps branding, the reality is that individuals (and companies) are more complicated than a single tag line or campaign, and sometimes you want to be known for something else. Therefore to avoid conflicts, focus on the area that positions you in the best light, and on your destination in life, not what you’ve been doing by proactively choosing your role and how you brand yourself within this role.